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Program Catalog

A full list of all programs, serve teams, and activities.

Contact the church office for more information about any of the following programs.

Click here to contact the office

Youth Group. Programs for students in 6th - 12th Grade.

Kids Church. Sunday morning programs for kids (5th grade and under.)

Church Wide Journey

At least once a year, we journey together as an entire church, through the same material. We try to get everyone in the church in short term small groups to grow together while discussing the messages from that series. We usually start promoting the CWJ about a month in advance. Contact the church office for more information. 

Family Ministry Support Team. Helps plan and facilitate kids ministry (K-5th Grade)

Click here to contact Children's Ministry Director, Melody Kane.

Green Team. Environmental stewardship and advocacy, inside the church and out!

Guest Services Team. Greeting and welcoming everyone who walks in our doors!

Music / Arts Team. Plans events to help make our facility an arts hub in the community.

Events / Hospitality Team. Plans events and activities that help create a sense of connectedness and fun in the church. 

Team Caffeine. Prepares and serves coffee on Sunday mornings!

Lobby Hosts. Greet guests when our lobby & indoor playground are open to the public from 9am-noon Monday- Thursday.

A/V Team. Lights, Sound, Projection - they make the magic happen in the sanctuary!

Community Impact Team. Selects recipients of our monthly community impact grants.

Meet Malawi Team. Oversees our partnership with Lisanjala Church in Malawi, Africa.

Click here to read more about Meet Malawi.